Better to lose an arm, than a leg?

Better to lose an arm, than a leg?

By Priya Arunkumar The year could be 1984 or 1985.Face was crunched up in agony and confusion, yet, he still managed a weak smile and calmly stated, “try to give my right arm back doctor, whatever it takes”.“Wrist to elbow is literally mince-meat, multiple fractures,...
Do what you have to!

Do what you have to!

By Priya Arunkumar Four kids. And a husband who walked away…The only thing she knew was to cook, she said.It will do, her mind said.It has to do, sighed her heart.You cook for your family, every single day, she told herself.Your mom did. Your grandmother too.There...
So am I a ‘feminist’?

So am I a ‘feminist’?

By Priya Arunkumar“You are a feminist, aren’t you? He smirked. Et tu brute, I silently thought as I looked at my childhood pal, who used to bully me at every given opportunity. No, why do you say that, I queried. “Well, long back when you joined us in school, I knew...
No more bright eyed and bushy tailed

No more bright eyed and bushy tailed

By Priya Arunkumar I am a morning person. I wake up at 5.30am every day. It is like clockwork. I don’t need an alarm. It doesn’t matter what time I sleep, where I sleep, how I sleep… I just wake up at 5.30am. And I have been waking up at this time in the last three to...
A ‘sweet’ life…

A ‘sweet’ life…

By Priya Arunkumar It was always a balancing act. A tough one to learn and master when you are just eight! A small strip of a banana leaf, or sometimes on a translucent sheet of paper, the melted hot ghee and the sliding, running, dancing scoop of hot halwa… the...
Live by the mobile – die by the mobile!

Live by the mobile – die by the mobile!

By Priya Arunkumar Live by the sword, die by the sword. Same way, live by the mobile, maybe die with it?! No, I don’t wish that to these mobile-wielding morons, no maniacs! Yet, they at least deserve a taste of their own medicine! Every day they wait, like birds of...
The masks we wear

The masks we wear

By Priya Arunkumar Many years ago, someone who came in to our office for a meeting, with one of my colleagues, also happened to meet me, spoke to me for half an hour or so. And before walking away he dropped a mini bombshell: “What a ‘sweet, soft spoken’ person!” he...

Soul matters

By Priya Arunkumar “What is filled in our body? Spirit?” The little one was barely eight, so I figured that it would be an easy query to answer. Should I go the scientific or the spiritual way? Or should I try the philosophical way? No, the kid is too small to be...