Mastering the benefits of sun salutations

by | Apr 4, 2021 | 0 comments

MUSCAT – Omani fashion designer Zamzam, who has mastered the benefits of sun salutations from yoga expert Dr Kavitha Ramakrishna, has enunciated the benefits of the yoga repertoire surya namaskars (sun salutations).Record of 648 surya namaskarsDr Kavitha, an expert on surya namaskar, taught Zamzam the intricacies of sun salutations, which is a series of 12 yoga poses done in a continuous flow while synchronising breathing with body movement. Dr Kavita, who holds the record of performing 648 surya namaskars at a stretch, has inspired Zamzam to practice the yoga technique every day.

Help keeps lungs healthyPractices such as surya namaskar have become very relevant for COVID-19 is a respiratory infection that attacks lungs. “Along with meticulously practicing preventive measures like washing hands, wearing a mask, and social distancing, we also need to work on practices that can keep the lungs healthy and strong. 

“Sun salutations are a dynamic combination of breathing and exercises that gives mental and physical benefits. Since we alternate forward and backward bending movements along with breathing while doing sun salutations, we enhance our oxygenation levels and boost our respiratory muscles. Practice of sun salutations also benefits muscles, ligaments and joints and increases suppleness of vertebral joints.” 

Great way to energise body
Zamzam thanked Dr Kavitha for inspiring her to take up the practice of sun salutations. “I have benefited immensely from her style of teaching. Since she is an expert I was able to master the technique quickly. This yoga practices have boosted my immunity and improved my metabolism too. I urge everyone to take up the practice of sun salutations. It is a great way to energise your body first thing in the morning. It is easy to do. Practicing sun salutations will benefit not only the lungs, digestive system, muscles and joints but also cardiovascular health.”

Tamoghna – science behind surya namaskar
Dr Kavitha also presented Zamzam with her comprehensively researched book ‘Tamoghna’ which articulates the science behind surya namaskar. The book traces the history of yogic philosophy, crux of yoga practice and deals specifically with vast benefits of surya namaskar. The book inspires yoga practice with a deeper understanding of the elaborate connection of mind, body and spirit.

Tamoghna balances applicable and relevant information on surya namaskar.

The book also focuses on the significance of performing sun salutation 108 times and how it can invigorate the body physically and hone the mind mentally.

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