Oman denounces Israeli storming of Al Aqsa Mosque, March into Al Quds City

by | Jun 6, 2024 | 0 comments

MUSCAT – The Sultanate of Oman has rejected and denounced the storming of Al Aqsa Mosque by an extremist group of officials from the Israeli occupation government, settlers and members of the Knesset.

Oman also condemned a provocative march organized by the same group in the occupied city of Al Quds (Jerusalem) under the protection of the Israeli occupation forces.

In a statement issued by the Foreign Ministry today, Oman stressed that this provocative action constitutes a flagrant violation of all international laws and conventions calling for respecting the sanctity of sacred places. This, Oman affirmed, requires the international community to shoulder its full responsibilities by holding the Israeli occupation government accountable for these acts and violations.


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