Main military committee for emergency management confirms readiness to deal with Cyclone “Tej”

by | Oct 22, 2023 | 0 comments

MUSCAT – The Main Military Committee for Emergency Management of the Sultan’s Armed Forces (SAF) continues holding meetings to review preparations and the readiness to deal with the tropical cyclone “Tej”. The meetings are held under the chairmanship of Brigadier Hamid Abdullah Al Balushi, Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations and Planning, Chairman of the Main Military Committee for Emergency Management.

The Sultan’s Armed Forces reiterated its readiness and that it will be harnessing all capabilities to tackle the effects of the tropical cyclone. This came within the framework of SAF’s keenness to provide support to public units and other sectors in emergency situations as per the plan of the National Committee for Emergency Management.

Members of the main military committee were briefed on preparations and precautions undertaken since the announcement of the tropical cyclone “Tej”. Military subcommittees have been activated in areas that are expected to be affected by the tropical cyclone.

During the meeting, the committee highlighted the readiness of all formations, bases and units of SAF and other departments in the Ministry of Defence to provide support to citizens and residents as per the situation’s demands. Moreover, the military subcommittee for emergency management met in the Governorate of Dhofar today under the chairmanship of Brigadier Abdulkadim Ibrahim Al Ajmi, Commander of Infantry Brigade (11) of the Royal Army of Oman (RAO).

During this meeting, the subcommittee showcased the efforts exerted by all deployed units and means of dealing with the expected effects of the tropical cyclone “Tej” as per the plan of the Main Military Committee for Emergency Management.

Meanwhile, the main military committee reiterated that it continuously monitors the developments of the tropical cyclone.

(Source: ONA)

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