MUSCAT – The Public Establishment for Industrial Estates – Madayn has signed a cooperation agreement with Oman India Fertiliser Company (OMIFCO) to establish a ‘green buffer zone’ at Sur Industrial City. This agreement comes along the lines of Madayn’s efforts to achieve environmental balance, increase green areas in its industrial cities, and enhance public-private partnership in areas that serve the industrial and environmental sectors in the Sultanate.
The project aims at contributing to the reduction of carbon emissions at Sur Industrial City and its surroundings. Phase one of the project will be implemented on an estimated area of 10 hectares and will incorporate planting trees of different sizes and types, in addition to construction of walking paths, seating areas, irrigation network and lighting. The agreement was signed by Eng. Abdulqadir bin Salim Al Balushi, Director General of Sur Industrial City, and Qasim bin Mohammed Al Balushi, Director of Strategic Planning for Sustainability at OMIFCO.
It is worth mentioning that the total investment volume in Sur Industrial City by the end of 2021 stood at RO 2.2 billion with 127 projects in operation. Madayn is currently implementing infrastructure development project in Sur Industrial City, which include the construction of 17 km length of water network, 14 km of sewage network, 10.6 km of road network, and 6.8 km of rainwater drainage channel. The project is expected to be completed during the third quarter of 2022.
A workforce township project in Sur Industrial City is in the preparation stage for implementation and will take from two to three years to be completed. The project will be divided into three categories, each with its distinctive standards and specifications that meet the requirements of the operating companies and factories in Sur Industrial City.
More projects are in the pipeline and will be announced in the coming period, which will contribute to enhancing the investment climate at Sur Industrial City. The shipyard complex project is currently in the negotiation stage with the developer, and a usufruct contract will be signed with the developer by the end of this stage. The project is expected to present investment opportunities in fishing industry and contribute to enhancing the fisheries sector in the Sultanate.