Lead, kindly Light… Lead us out of this pandemic…

by | Sep 30, 2020 | 0 comments

Godwin D’Cruz

Marketing and management specialist, trainer, performance coach, mentor

Mumbai (INDIA)

I am a marketing and management specialist and a trainer and more. But for the moment, I am at a loss of words when it comes to describing how this wretched pandemic has upturned our life.

Let’s begin on a positive note

Let me pause for a moment to gather my thoughts and the first one that comes to me is that we must not give up hope. I might have struggled to get my words out right, but I am in control now and what I want to say is this – let us all start on a positive note. Let us all fight this pandemic together, as one strong, powerful unit. Not in patches. It is not “your” problem or “my” problem. It is OUR problem. This pandemic is our problem and let us all fight it together.

Let God lead us out of it

And whenever we face a tough situation or if matters get worse, let us not bow our head in despair – let us bow our head in prayers to the Almighty, because God is not going to let us all perish or be defeated by a virus.

Already, there have been huge losses of life and there will be more, but we will get out of this; we will find a way and that could be a vaccine for all humankind or something unique – let God lead us there.

Can’t let our guard down

Meantime, let us do our bit. And, as I have said, it is not an easy task. For, we are facing an exceedingly formidable adversary that will show no mercy if we let our guard down even a wee bit.

Changed our life’s gears

Okay, now let me quickly take stock of the situation: This COVID-19 has suddenly, shockingly and drastically changed the ‘gears’ of our life – both personally and professionally. This has undoubtedly influenced every global citizen to have a different perspective in life. The impact of the pandemic has affected the health, livelihood and lifestyle of people around the globe and has set an unprecedented trend of ‘fear-complex’ in the mind of individuals.

Personally, the lives of families and individuals have changed when it comes to the basic human needs and wants and many are living in fear, while others have adapted to new lifestyles in their communities.

Many are in ‘no man’s land’

Professionally, the pandemic has hit the job and employment scenario and many have been rendered homeless whereas the world economy has collapsed. The job situation is bleak and some countries and their working population would be in, what I would rightly term, a ‘no man’s land’.

Vaccine is the only way out

The future is bleak and it has already affected every individual. All eyes are now turned upwards to the heavens for a miracle. Unless and until a vaccine (the right one) is invented, the situation is not going to change.  So, until then, there will not be the so-called ‘resurrection’ of life. Not any time in the near future.

Currently, it is an uphill task

The challenge is continuous even if the pandemic subsides but it is a high-risk epidemic that has to be wiped out from the face of the earth. It is an uphill task altogether for the entire global population – be it personal or professional.

Contribute in whatever manner possible

I would like to contribute personally to my society, my community and my country in whatever capacity possible. I want to help, support and above all add professional values and expertise by sharing skills to ensure growth in a professional life of the underprivileged or those affected by the pandemic.

(*) “Lead, Kindly Light” is a hymn with words written by St. John Henry Hyman as a poem titled, “The Pillar of the Cloud” in 1833.  It is often considered to be a prayer in the form of a hymn that seeks comfort and guidance from God. (Source: Net)

Some lines from the hymn:

Lead, kindly Light, amid the encircling gloom
Lead thou me on;
The night is dark, and I am far from home,
Lead thou me on.
Keep thou my feet; I do not ask to see
The distant scene; one step enough for me.

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