GENEVA – Members of the “United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child” hailed the progress made by Oman in the field of child rights.
The global applaud was based on the report submitted to the committee and the replies given by the Omani delegation during the elaboration on the National Report on child rights. The discussion took place at the 92nd session of the Committee on the Rights of the Child, at the United Nations (UN) headquarters in Geneva.
The committee, which consists of representatives of different countries in the world, expressed satisfaction with the efforts made by Oman “to achieve the best interest of the child”. The committee looked forward to further “progress for children’s rights in Oman”. In this framework, the committee also valued “the efforts exerted in the Sultanate of Oman in the childhood field across many sectors.”
Dr Laila Ahmed Al Najjar, Minister of Social Development, who headed Oman’s delegation at the meeting, said, “The Sultanate of Oman strives to achieve comprehensive development by espousing the principles of human rights in the various strategies, plans, programmes and development projects.”
Oman ranks 52nd position on the Human Development Index according to 2021 data, which map countries that have very high human development. This was also stated in the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in its recent report for the year 2022.
The meeting was attended by Idris Abdul Rahman Al Khanjari, Permanent Representative of the Sultanate of Oman at the UN. It was also attended by international organisations in Geneva, and members of Oman’s permanent mission in Geneva.
(Source: ONA)