BankDhofar participates in the Anti-Fraud Forum 2023

by | Nov 27, 2023 | 0 comments

MUSCAT – BankDhofar participated in the Anti-Fraud Forum 2023 organized by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) – Oman Chapter. The forum discussed several topics, including anti-corruption and bribery, money laundering and terrorism funding, privacy compliance, fraud risk management, and regulatory framework to combat fraud. The forum provided an opportunity for anti-fraud professionals in Oman to meet and discuss the latest trends and tools in fraud prevention and detection.

The forum witnessed the participation of around 200 participants, in addition to a wide range of government entities and all major regulatory authorities, such as State Audit Institution, Central Bank of Oman, Capital Market Authority, Public Authority for Consumer Affairs etc. and all stakeholders from all spectrums of the community participating in this event, with the aim of raising awareness among the general public about the importance of these issues and possible remedial measures.

Ali Mohammed Al Alawi, AGM and Head of Compliance Department at BankDhofar, said: “Our fraud prevention strategies are aligned with the guidelines laid out in the Central Bank of Oman about fraud risk management. We are always vigilant to prevent internal and external fraudulent activities by following and implementing the most stringent processes and strict procedures.”

BankDhofar was honored for participation where Mr. Ali Mohammed Al Alawi, AGM and Head of Compliance received the trophy on behalf of the bank.

The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) is the world’s largest anti-fraud organization incorporated in the United States. The Association is the premier provider of anti-fraud training and education. Together with nearly 90,000 members, the ACFE is reducing business fraud worldwide and inspiring public confidence in the integrity and objectivity within the profession. The ACFE Oman Chapter of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners was formed in 2015 under a memorandum of understanding with the College of Banking and Financial Studies. The main objectives of the chapter are to raise awareness about fraud prevention and detection, and to promote the profession.

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