Shatha Al Maskiry

If you ditch culture, you ditched your leadership!

If you ditch culture, you ditched your leadership!

By Shatha Al Maskiry Reality TodayThe COVID-19 pandemic, industry disruptions, and the changing social environment compelled leaders to manage and lead differently. We saw many organizational transformation projects surface; a new strategy, new business model, lean...

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Want to go Digital? Think Data Strategy, first!

By Shatha Al Maskiry The mindsets of Ceos have been dominated by “digitalisation” as there is an endless feed of news unfolding every day on how digitalisation is disrupting industries and even putting companies out of business. The radical transformations are putting...

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“Our times of uncertainties and opportunities”

By Shatha Al Maskiry 2019 is a year that will present us with many uncertainties in the business environment and this is not unique to Oman; it is a regional and global trend. From a strategic aspect, the uncertainties offer business opportunities but it is also...

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