The 5000-strong audience at the Oman Convention and Exhibition Centre tomorrow (May 25) will not only hear an impassioned plea to save this planet’s soil, but also be making the most important decision of their life: to be part of this global movement, which is to pledge to do their part to restore the world’s lost top soil.
Humanity’s biggest concern
While Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, founder of Isha Foundation, who conceived this international campaign ‘Save Soil’ to rejuvenate the world’s soil will be making his pitch to save soil and inspire everyone present to be part of this drive, which has now seen millions join, the truth is that it is a campaign that everyone should be part of because it is humanity’s biggest concern today.
87 percent of life depends on soil
“Eighty-seven percent of life forms on this planet – microbes, worms, insects, birds, animals, human beings, plants, trees and every other vegetation on the planet is sustained by an average of 39 inches of topsoil. And that is in grave danger right now. In the last 40 years, 40 percent of the world’s topsoil has been lost. The United Nations says we have soil left only for approximately 80 to 100 harvests, which means another 45 to 60 years of agriculture. After that, we will not have the soil to produce food. You can imagine the suffering that we will unfold in the world,” said Sadhguru, who is reaching Oman today from the United Arab Emirates as part of a 30,000km motorcycle journey across Europe, Middle East and India, in what is seen as an epic effort to inspire long-term policy changes for soil health and to raise global awareness of soil degradation. He started from London. From Oman, he will be going to Jaipur, India.
“No matter how much wealth, education, and money we have, our children cannot live well unless we restore the soil and water,” Sadhguru noted.
52 percent soil degraded
At present, 52 percent of the earth’s agricultural soil is already degraded. At the current rate, which is worsening every day, it is estimated that 90 percent of the world’s soil will be degraded by 2050. So far, over 70 nations have voiced their support for the Save Soil movement.
Event begins at 7pm
The Save Soil event at the OCEC will begin at 7pm. It is a free, public event but those interested should register here: https://events.savesoil.cc/.
Follow the entire journey here: savesoil.org