MUSCAT – The Sultanate of Oman is currently hosting the regional consultation meeting for the secretaries of the Arab National Commissions for UNESCO.
The two-day meeting is organised by the Ministry of Education, represented by Omani National Commission for Education, Culture and Science, in cooperation with the Headquarter Secretariat of the United Nations for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO).

The meeting aims to discuss the contribution of the Arab countries to developing the organization’s financial budget document and the program for the period 2026-2029, and to involve the Arab countries in devising the organization’s future strategies and plans in a bid to ensure that the organization’s plans reflect the aspirations of the Arab countries and are consistent with their development plans.
The meeting is attended by Anthony Ohmeng Boama, Assistant Director-General of UNESCO for Africa and External Relations, the Secretaries of the Arab National Committees and representatives of UNESCO field offices in the Arab region, in addition to representatives of national bodies related to the tasks and competencies of UNESCO and a number of employees of the secretariat of Oman National Commission for Education, Culture and Science. A number of officials from the UNESCO headquarters office and its field offices in the Arab countries are also participating in the meeting via video communication technology.

It is worth noting that Oman National Commission for Education, Culture and Science held a consultative meeting earlier this week with representatives of national bodies related to the tasks and competencies of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to discuss the preparation for the regional consultation meeting of the secretaries of the Arab National Committees for UNESCO. The meeting aimed to come up with a joint national vision to benefit from UNESCO’s programs in achieving progress towards the sustainable development goals and list them on the agenda of the current meeting.
(Source: ONA)