MUSCAT – Meethaq Islamic Banking from Bank Muscat, the leading Islamic financial services provider in the Sultanate, has won the award for Leading Islamic Banking Brand in Oman from Global Brands Magazine. The latest accolade from the leading UK-headquartered brands magazine adds to several prestigious awards previously won by Meethaq, which celebrated its 10th anniversary at the end of 2022. The Global Brand Awards honour companies, which have performed extraordinarily well in the fields of Finance, Education, Hospitality, Lifestyle, Automobiles and Technology. The awards seek to acknowledge key players across these sectors who are constantly striving to do better through exceptional service delivery and focus on customer-centricity, and reward their performance with global recognition.
The latest award for Meethaq is an acknowledgement that it has been able to establish the largest customer-centric Islamic branch network in Oman consisting of 24 branches across different governorates with ongoing plans to further develop the network in the coming months. In addition to its branch network, Meethaq also has a dedicated network of over 40 ATMs/CDMs and provides free access to about 800 Bank Muscat ATMs and CDMs across the country. Meethaq customers also benefit from world-class mobile and internet banking facilities as well as access to a state-of-the-art call centre, which is easily reachable at 24656666.
Ali Ahmed Al Lawati, Assistant General Manager – Meethaq Corporate Banking, thanked Global Brands Magazine for the recognition. He then added: “The Award for Leading Islamic Banking Brand in Oman is the latest accolade for Meethaq’s exceptional efforts over the last 10 years and its continuing aim to offer the best value proposition and services aligned to the needs of its growing family of customers in the Sultanate as well as the latest global financial trends. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our valued customers for their strong confidence and trust in Meethaq. Going ahead, we will continue to innovate and launch new state of the art products and services which further enhance the customer experience.”
Meethaq extends support to different customer segments and key economic sectors with its innovative Shari’a based products. In addition to offering a full suite of Islamic banking products and services for its retail customers including savings accounts, current accounts, home finance, auto finance, debit / credit cards, mobile and internet banking and for its SME and corporate customers including current accounts, call accounts, fixed deposits, working capital finance, short term and long-term financing facilities, Meethaq has heavily invested in its staff, systems and controls to ensure its services and products are delivered in a professional and Shari’a-compliant manner. Every Meethaq product goes through the process of Shari’a compliance certification by the Shari’a Supervisory Board and is created in line with the guidelines of the Central Bank of Oman. Furthermore, Meethaq’s adoption of AAOIFI standards (Accounting & Auditing Organisation for Islamic Financial Institutions) distinguishes its Islamic banking practices in terms of standardisation of its products and services complementing its world-class Islamic banking experience. For more information on Meethaq, please visit https://www.meethaq.om.