MUSCAT – In line with its strategies aimed at sustaining the country’s progress, development and improving financial inclusion for different segments of society, and offering the best Islamic banking services, Meethaq Islamic Banking from Bank Muscat has launched the Ikram package for pensioners, which is a specialised package of Shariah-compliant financing products with attractive profit rates catering to Omani pensioners. It was introduced after studying and understanding the needs of retirees who were earlier working in government and private institutions.
Committed to innovation in its services and products and offering the best services possible, Meethaq developed the Ikram pensioner package to offer a full package of Islamic financial services. It is designed to provide tailored financial facilities and services that meet its customers’ needs and aspirations. Meethaq’s current and new customers will be able to benefit from the wide rage of services this package offers, including exclusive offers related but not limited to auto, goods, personal and home finance offers, credit card offers and discounts at selected outlets and personalized campaigns. Customers, who wish to benefit from this package, can apply by visiting their nearest Meethaq branch. Customers can get further details about the new package offers by contacting call center 24/7 on 24656666. Meethaq is continuously introducing new financial products and services targeting different sections of society in line with the changing needs of its customers and the nation’s progress and development.

On this occasion, Sami Bait Rashid, Assistant General Manager, Retail Banking – Meethaq, said: “We are pleased to launch this package, focusing on providing specialized services for pensioners. The Ikram package has been developed after carefully studying and understanding Meethaq’s customers’ needs and listening to their comments and feedback on the type of services that best suit their needs and aspirations. Meethaq will continue developing its products and services to meet the needs of customers and help them achieve their financial goals. We take this opportunity to thank our valued customers for their trust in Meethaq products and services.”
With its innovative Shari’a based products, Meethaq’s services witnessed a remarkable rise especially with the new offers and financial facilities which are designed to meet customers’ aspiration. Meethaq Islamic Banking continued working on its strategy to launch innovative services and products to enhance customers’ experience. It must be noted that every Meethaq product goes through the process of Shari’a compliance certification by the Shari’a Supervisory Board and is created in line with the guidelines of the Central Bank of Oman. Meethaq’s adoption of AAOIFI standards (Accounting & Auditing Organisation for Islamic Financial Institutions) further distinguishes Meethaq Islamic banking practices in terms of standardization of its products and services complementing its world-class Islamic banking experience.
As the leader in the Islamic banking industry in Oman, Meethaq has a strong track record of winning many prestigious local, regional and global awards for its outstanding achievements in Islamic banking. Accolades won in the past include the Best Islamic Bank in Oman award from Islamic Finance News (IFN), Oman’s Most Trusted Brand (Islamic Banking) from Apex Media, GIFA Award and Best Islamic Digital Bank Award. For more information on Meethaq’s Ikram package, please visit https://www.meethaq.om.