Royal Army of Oman marks SAF Day

by | Dec 11, 2023 | 0 comments

MUSCAT – The Royal Army of Oman (RAO) today celebrated the Sultan’s Armed Forces Day (SAF Day), which falls on December 11, every year.

The ceremony, which took place at Al Murtafaa Garrison in the Governorate of Muscat, was held under the auspices of Sayyid Saud Hilal Al Busaidi, Governor of Muscat.

The event began with a military salute to the Governor of Muscat. The RAO band played the Royal Anthem, followed by episodes of the celebration. The chief guest and attendees saw examples of training exercises, military shows and various field skills that demonstrated competence and skill mastered by members of the RAO.

The attendees also watched an equestrian show and a tent-pegging show performed by the Sultan of Oman’s Armored Cavalry, followed by a free-fall show performed by a team from the Sultan of Oman’s Parachutes regiment.

The Sultan of Oman’s Artillery gave a show highlighting field skills mastered by the military personnel. A show featuring modern military mechanisms and equipment used in the Royal Army of Oman was also held. It revealed the servicemen’s competence in safeguarding Oman’s accomplishments and defending its lands.

Then, the Governor of Muscat felicitated members of the RAO and distributed medals of Long Excellent Service.

The ceremony was attended by commanders of the SAF and other military and security units, SAF veteran commanders, SAF senior officers, other military and security units, senior retired officers, SAF personnel and a group of school students.

(Source: ONA)

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